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Session Summary:

In 2022, African countries need to vaccinate most of their population against COVID-19. With an influx of millions of doses, countries need to plan in near real-time, considering constraints at every step of the supply chain. Our Shiny app provides a low-cost decision-making tool for the Ministry of Health in Côté d’Ivoire. Using lpSolve library, we optimize for factors like eligible population in catchment area of vaccination sites, types and number of vaccine doses, expiration date of vaccine does, availability of trained healthcare staff, and presence of cold storage facility. The app maximizes number of people vaccinated while minimizing vaccine wastage across thousands of vaccination sites. (App development will end on May 31)

Session Details


02:30 PM to 02:50 PM

Cherry Blossom

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Anubhuti Mishra

Palladium International

Anubhuti Mishra is a Senior Data Scientist who works at the intersection of public health and data science. In recent past she has developed indices to estimate subnational vulnerability to COVID-19 in Africa, built models to identify high-risk HIV patients, and created allocation vaccine allocation models. She really enjoys working low resource, high impact data environments.