In this talk, Appsilon’s CEO and CTO show their vision of challenges facing Shiny app authors and what is crucial to achieving success. They announce 3 key initiatives that Appsilon undertakes to empower data scientists to build spectacular Shiny Apps, including the {shiny.fluent} package.
Learn more about rstudio::global(2021) X-Sessions.
Thank you to Appsilon for sponsoring the Mastering Shiny: from Development to Deployment X-Session.

Filip is a CEO and a Co-founder of Appsilon. He holds a double degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Warsaw. He started his professional career at Microsoft in California. Passionate about data analysis, elegant visualisations and tackling hard algorithmic and analytical problems.

Marek Rogala is the CTO at Appsilon, where he drives innovation in R and Shiny as well as Machine Learning. He previously did software engineering at Google and at Domino Data Lab, where he worked on enabling data scientists to experiment and collaborate effectively.