Learn best practices for setting up the entire Rstudio team infrastructure – Server Pro, Connect, Package Manager from the perspective of a data scientist and for a data science audience – especially those who have never worked with servers, AWS, or bash. This talk will also be applicable to data scientists looking to start on an engineering project outside of Rstudio as well.
I started out as a complete novice, & throughout my learning experience I noticed a distinct lack of resources for non-engineers. This talk will focus on best practices for AWS architecture and cloud formation, key security issues such as SSL and https, server configurations, deployment errors, and most importantly resources that are understandable for data scientists just getting into the data engineering or devops space.

Rika Gorn is the Manager of Business Intelligence at Spring Health - a mental healthcare tech start-up that provides comprehensive mental healthcare benefits. Previously, she worked on quality assurance for a mobile mental health team at Coordinated Behavioral Care, data analytics at Covenant House International, strategic management and evaluation at TCC Group, and program analysis at the Vera Institute of Justice. Rika received her Bachelors in Political Science from Hunter College and her Masters in Public Administration at the NYU Wagner School of Public Service. Rika is also a proud board member of R-Ladies NYC.