

Terminal Updates

December 22, 2017 |

In this webinar for seasoned command-line users we’ll dig into the terminal features and the possibilities it opens up in your workflows on both RStudio Desktop and RStudio Server.


Introduction to shiny

September 27, 2017 |

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R.


Tidyverse visualization manipulation basics

September 14, 2017 |

This introduction to the tidyverse will cover several best practices for analyzing data with R.


Introducing blogdown, a new R package to make blogs and websites with R Markdown

May 24, 2017 |

The most typical use of R Markdown is to create a single output document from a source document, and there is no special organization of the output documents.


What's new with readxl? A Tidyverse solution for reading data stored in xls or xlsx format

May 10, 2017 |

What's new with readxl? A Tidyverse solution for reading data stored in xls or xlsx format


A new extensibility point to the IDE: RStudio Add-ins

March 10, 2016 |

This powerful feature enables anyone who can write R code to customize RStudio for their own work.


Getting started with R Markdown

January 28, 2016 |

Cut and paste for reporting doesn’t cut it anymore! In this webinar you’ll learn to write reports quickly and effectively with the R Markdown package.